Why You Should Read this Book

This review was taken from my goodreads account! :)
So I have never really written a book review after I finished a book before but I just couldn't resist after finishing this one! Let me just start by saying that when I was first looking for some new books to read over the summer I was a little hesitant to buy this because I had heard a lot of mixed reviews. However, after reading the synopsis of what the book was actually about I decided to give it a shot and I am so glad that I did!
(Since this is my first real review I am hoping that I don't spoil anything in the process but please forgive me if I do!)
I don't really even know where to begin because this book was so amazing, but I guess I'll start with the fact that I absolutely loved all of the characters and Wilhelmina was a complete bad-ass throughout the entire book! I also loved the fact that I was able to guess who black knife really was but the storyline was also so well written that I did actually find myself sometimes second guessing my choice up until the very end (which I love to do when I am reading). I don't really want to say too much else because I really want to keep this review completely spoiler free but I really did LOVE this book and I would recommend it to anyone. So yeah if you haven't already you should 100% read it!!
So my only regret with this book is that by reading it today I now have to wait until April 5, 2016 until I can get my hands on the second book The Mirror King! Hopefully I am able to survive the wait… (I saw the cover on goodreads already and it is completely gorgeous btw)… I also noticed that there are a couple of novellas that are going to go along with this book and while I usually don't buy novellas before they might be put into paperback form, I think this is a series where I will need to make an exception because I want (no NEED) more!!
The only other thing that could get me through having to wait until April for the next book is that I found that Jodi Meadows (who is the absolutely brilliant author and mind who gave us this book) has another series that she wrote which is a trilogy (Newsoul: Incarnate, Asunder, and Infinite) and as soon as I saw the covers I knew that I needed to read them so I will probably be ordering them from amazon tonight!
Anyways I just wanted to stop by and say that this book was completely AMAZING and I can't wait until the Mirror King is released in 2016 :